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Re: **THINKING** of taking offers on 2 of my WISH cels, and new puppy (Tue Feb 17 02:54:37 2004 )
Anime Krazy [View profile ]


What an adorable puppy.  I have a dog myself, a 
2 years old. It can get expensive & time 
consuming.  It is like have a baby.  But all of 
that goes out the window when you come home from 
work & they are jumping up & down so happy to 
see you or when they jump in you lap & curl into 
a ball, sigh & fall asleep in you lap.  Yes, 
having a dog is big responsiblity but the 
unconditional love they give you far out ways 
the bils,training, etc. - the negative things 
that can be associated with having a dog.

I thought I'd never get a dog again & when my 
parents got a new one I thought, he's kind of 
cute but he's their dog.  Well, Casey has wormed 
his way into my heart & I'd wouldn't have it any 
other way.  I love him so much.

I hope this has helped you in making you 

Anime Krazy

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