Phew I'm so done with scanning. HUGE update to
say the least. I've not udpated my rubberslug
site, but the main site is updated. I've updated
the following sections:
Dragonball Z Misc
Hunter x Hunter
Rurouni Kenshin
Yugioh Duel Monsters Genga - Group
Yugioh Duel Monsters Genga - Misc
Links Section - Added sections for every show I
Also read my title page for cels for grabs.
There are some wishlist cels I'm wanting to go
after, but need to sell some stuff first. All
YYH is fair game, three of my AMG cels (not the
chibi bell or the swimsuit urd), my Inuyasha,
Sailor Moon, My Profile Marik, My Yami Marik
eyeless, My Ishizu genga, and possibly others if
the price is right. There are a couple HxH cels
that I'm willing to part with (FX Group and
Killua Dungeon Cels are off limits. :)
Back to the links section. If I got your link
wrong or you would like to be added just let me
know. Also if there's a site that you think
deserves to be added then drop me a line and let
me know. :D |