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*giggles* (Sun Mar 7 13:48:13 2004 )
baakay (nli) [View profile ]

She's lovely!

(and you're looking none too bad yourself, lady!)

Now that the hardest physical work is over, dis-
acquaint yourself from decent sleep for at least 
the next six weeks. :-)  I'll never forget that 
feeling of awful realization the first night we 
had EJ home, when we settled in to rest 
(exhausted) and had just about dropped off when 
a very determined squall arose from the basket 
next to our bed... heh...  But it passes really 
very quickly.

Actually, in spite of the fact that I walked 
around like a zombie for months with each of my 
girls, I have some very fond memories of cuddle 
times at 2-3 a.m. ... Thank gawd for cable TV.

Here's hoping for your continued good recovery 
and a thriving, happy baby!

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