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Well... (Sat Mar 6 07:44:03 2004 )
rekka (nli) [View profile ]

...I'm still collecting from the same series I 
was years ago.  My gallery has gotten much 
smaller in the process.  I've had to let 
other "misc" stuffs go so I could scrounge up 
some money to support the series that I really 
love.  But for the sake of this thread, here are 
the main titles I'm collecting and a few 
comments about them:

B't X: Very few people know of this series yet 
there are still a couple avid collectors of 
these characters.  If anyone has or has seen 
cels of Teppei....do let me know  ^_~

Samurai Troopers: There are several collectors 
of this series, though I'm only interested 
(still) in one character, my lovely Ryo.  ^^;;

Gulkeeva: Thankfully I've only had to fight a 
few Japanese collectors for stuff from this 
series... =X

Ys II OVA: Very hard to find stuff from this 
series, since there are only 4 episodes to it...

So, I think that's it.  If I ever want to sell 
stuff from these series it's pretty much a no go 
since no one has any interests in these titles.  
So whatever I buy I have to figure will be with 
me whether I like them or not.  lol  And yet...I 
keep looking for more!  lol  Oh Cindy, if you 
ever spy any of these titles, I'll be waiting to 
hear from you my dear!!!  lol

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