I recently purchased a cel online, a very pretty
cel. Its an END cel, and rather pricey (circa
$1000). Anyway the cel comes with an original
production kabuse layer (correction layer). What
I didnt know was that the cel and the layer were
Now the cel is expensive, so Im not going to try
any freezer magic with it. So my only option to
get the two unstuck is a professional cel
restoration service. Here is the problem
though.. I dont know any in the UK ;_;
I know of several in the US, but since this cel
is rather expensive (and dear.. so very very
prteey ^_^ ) I dont want to take the risk, and
extra hassle, of sending it all the way to the
US having it done there and then having it sent
back (who knows what they will do with it
*shrudders in fear* )
So does anyone know of any, preferably
reputable, cel restoration services in the UK.
Im located in London, but I would be willing to
travel to see this cel fixed up nicely.
Thanks for all your help ^_^
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