Lovely, LOVELY cel you nabbed there, lady!
While I haven't seen the series, I can tell
that's one heck of a good scene -- there's just
toooooo much careful detail in the cel. *ogles
some more* :)
Unfortunately, it's been a long while since I
landed any true dream cels, but I've been fairly
lucky in the wishlist department lately. :)
Too lucky, maybe... *looks at concave wallet and
chuckles with embarrassment*
This cel is particularly nifty, though, because
I'd had the character on my wishlist for less
than a week, when somebody contacted me to say
they had one for sale. *still doing the happy
dance* I would never have imagined finding a
shot of him so quickly!
I showed this over on Beta but not here yet...
those who frequent both forums, please forgive
my enthusiasm in posting it again. *grin*
Gon's elusive dad Jin, from Hunter x