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Whoa, grumpy puppy, barking up the wrong tree tonight, aren't we? (Wed Mar 10 06:00:42 2004 )
gai [View profile ]

Golly, I must take it that you're one of 
those "glass half-empty" kind of people...

Not sure how/why you are inferring so much 
negativity and animosity from my fairly 
straightforward and innocent statements.  Maybe 
you're the kind of person who likes to stir the 
pot when there's nothing there, but obviously 
Star Phoenix and I are above playing that 
twisted game of yours.

Let it be known up front that Star Phoenix (who 
I'll now refer to by her initials, JC) and I 
have dealt with each other before, and there's 
no reason why I should ever bear any grudge 
towards her, especially for something as minor 
as this.

The fact is that I just pointed out that I once 
held this cel once before in my own hands and 
because of that I particularly know how great 
and super it is.  Mentioning my regret in 
selling it also simply went to show how lucky JC 
is to own such a tremendous cel; absolutely 
nowhere do I state any ill will towards her for 
being the current owner.  I also cheerfully 
participated in her "show me" request and only 
made that raider comment to refer to the 
Alseides mecha.  I don't know where you get your 
ideas, my anonymous friend, but they are far-
fetched and frankly very mean-spirited.

Hey, it's certainly not the first (nor will it 
be the last) time on this board that a collector 
pointed out a former cel of theirs which is now 
in the possession of someone else.  We cel 
collectors buy, sell and trade all the time; 
having the same cel exchanging owners is bound 
to happen from time to time.  But I suppose I 
must feel lucky for being randomly singled out 
by some party-pooper with a chip on their 
shoulder (although I don't feel so lucky).

Also, how many times do you see a person 
say "Ooh, I'm so jealous!" when someone posts 
their latest and greatest cel?  Should we assume 
each time that this sign of "jealousy" is 
supposedly some malicious envy when in reality 
it's obviously an expression of admiration for 
the owner of the cel?  Somehow I don't think 
you're simply not that familiar with Western 
lingo (or otherwise, you just like to cause 
unnecessary controversy).

To be honest, it seems to me here like you are 
actually the one who wants to spoil the mood for 
everyone for tossing out inflammatory and 
unfounded accusations at people.  Looking at 
your shameful attempt to incite a verbal war 
between me and JC. reminds me of the cowardly 
little runt who goads bullies into beating up 
innocent kids by spreading false rumors.  No 
wonder you're so proud to hide behind your 

But hey, if it was your intent to ruin someone's 
day and hurt their feelings for no real reason, 
then congratulations, you've accomplished it.  
But it'll be a cold day in hell if I'm going to 
buy into your tricks and start trouble with JC 
just because you're putting false words into my 
mouth.  And clearly JC too is also smart enough 
not buy into your nonsense.

TO JC aka "Star Phoenix":  Thank you so much for 
not believing this anonymous pipsqueak.  Even if 
I was bitter about the cel (as they would like 
you to believe), my beef would then be with the 
original person I sold it to (instead of you).  
Be rest assured that I'm more than happy that 
you own this great Powermaster Prime cel and I 
hope that this shameful mudslinger doesn't ruin 
the experience.  Congratulations not only on the 
cel but moreso for being a smart cookie.

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