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Animextra webmaster and owner Message (Sun Mar 7 14:25:02 2004 )
BENJAMIN BOCCARA [View profile ]

Hello i'm Benjamin Boccara the webmaster of 
Animextra. This website is based on the same 
design as animaster as i was also the webmaster 
of Animaster.

I'm coming to post a message here as one user of 
this forum contacted me about the transformation 
of Animaster to Animextra. I was very pleased by 
that as this person came directly to ask me what 
he wanted to know.

Important note: Animaster and Animexra look the 
same but are different owner.

Today Animaster is down and it's good thing.

At the time i created the Animaster website for 
the owner - Mr Gilbert - I couldn't imagine that 
such situation would ever happen.
Many of you could mention it on this forum: the 
owner never answer, sometimes cels never arrived.

I felt very sorry about that. And one day after 
many fraud complain to Paypal, the owner account 
was closed and the businness nearly stopped and 
the website died from his bad reputation.

Animaster was my first website creation, i was 
loving it, a kind of fetish so i wish to keep the 
same design for my own website.
But as i expected, at the Opening of Animextra I 
received many emails from unsatisfied custumers 
who had issues with Animaster. I was happy to 
find out a solution with them and to help them to 
get what they've been ordering (sometimes monthes 
before!! as Katie correctly mentionned)

Today all the cels posted at Animextra are mine 
and i'm the only person you'll have in contact.

In those last two weeks, I was happy to receive 
many orders and to get the possibility to prove 
that my new site despite the next design to 
animaster was giving satisfation to its custumers.

Thanks for reading me.

For any questions please contact: seiya@noos.fr
or koban2@wanadoo.fr

Best Regards

Benjamin Boccara

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