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Gallery Up for Offers!! (Mon Mar 15 22:02:26 2004 )
jelenity [View profile ]

Hi all! 

I have a huge bill that was supposed to have been 
taken care of over a year ago that has now fallen 
to my lap since Amtrack botched their part of the 
deal. I need to desprately rais some money to pay 
this bill that I found out today is now due on 
Wednesday. If it does not get paid by then this 
goes on out credit report and I'm stressing 
because we are supposed to be finally debt free 
in July. This will seriously screw our credit up! 
If anyone can help me by purchasing any of my Cels
I would greatly appreciate it!

My Update is complete at my site which is here --
> http://i-heart-sushi.net/serendipity/

However, I have decided that my some of my cels 
need to be sold and fast to get this money in by 
the deadline... Most of my cels are up for 
offers. Please ask any questons you may have when 
writing to me. I will be than happy to answer 
you. Majority of the cels that I have in the "for 
sale" section are 40% off the posted price. 

The only cels I will not even consider offers on 
are the cels listed as Not taking offers on. They 
are clearly posted as such so there should be 
very little problems. ^_^   

Please contact me with any offers or questions 
you may have. 

Thank you

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Message thread :
  • Gallery Up for Offers!! - jelenity (15 Mar 22h02)

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