As Joseph so keenly predicted a couple of days
ago... *grin*... I've done a wee bit of an
update to the Hunter x Hunter section of ^_~
A total of 31 new cels are now scanned and
available for your browsing pleasure!
(If by some chance you recognize the scene or
even just the episode number of any HxH
cel which still lacks a description, please-
please email me? I will squeak cheerfully at
anyone who helps me locate those last, elusive
Here's a preview, just for fun:
As for the warning, I'm afraid there's been a
rash of fake Hunter x Hunter cels sold as
production cels lately. It was bad enough a few
weeks ago, when I was taken in by a fairly
pricey Kuroro auction that later turned out to
be a studio repro. But this most recent batch
contained no less than four fancels, mixed in
with the real ones. I've spent hours
painstakingly verifying that the rest of my new
purchases WERE real -- finding a cuckoo's egg in
a wren's nest makes you a little bit paranoid
about the species of the other eggs.
If you plan to bid on HxH cels on Yahoo
Japan, I highly recommend that you check each
auction image VERY carefully against the scene
you believe it's from, paying special attention
to details of shading and color. The fancels in
my shipment all had detailed sketches, complete
with pencil shading in all the right colors and
callout information in red ink -- so just
because something has a sequence number and a
sketch does not necessarily mean that it's
real. I would never have guessed from the
seller's photos, since the fakes looked just as
good as the real cels next to them, but the
difference was much more obvious once they
arrived. The only way I could have saved myself
a bad night and a new ulcer would have been if
I'd scrutinized the images extremely closely and
realized that there was less shading than there
should have been, and the colors seemed a
bit "off".
Just a heads-up, and probably good advice for
collectors of other series as well. Here's
hoping that I got the bad repro/fancel luck for
EVERYONE this year, and we're all now safe.