have about...Mmm...1/3 of my gallery on Rb right
now. The rest will be added later or sold off (too
much space they take up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)So I'll have
some for sale, if anyone is interested drop me a
line or write to:moonevilrini@yahoo.com (if the
Feedback does not work)Stuff I have up for sale
are things from:Bleach (Similar to the ones I have
in my site) Each will be $25 since they are quite
expensive since they are from the Ending of the
Bleach Game)--------------------Ayashi No Ceres
(Aki with Power Blast)CardCaptor SakuraDigimon
(HUGE LOT)Each set $25 or all for $200DragonBall
(Hercule)El hazard Op celEureka 7 (Anemone and
Dominic)FMA (Pic below)Fruits Basket SetteiGundam
Seed Destiny (Shin, Cagalli, Kira, Gundams)GSD
SetteiOuran Host Club (tv sketches and Op
sketches)Mew Mew Power sketchesMelody of Oblivion
(Minator) sketchRead Or Die (Anita)sketchTenchi
Muyo (Ayeka in Bath)sketchand I MAY take offers on
some stuff in my
gallery.....----------------Images:DBZ Hercule:
Fairy Sakura:
Hazard Op Cel
Muyo (Ayeka in Bath)
inquiries on cels/sketches, or pics and so forth,
send me an email to "moonevilrini@yahoo.com "...-I
accept Paypal and Mo (paypal fee depends on amount
sent)-Shipping is usually around $8-thanks for
your time!!!!! |