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The waiting... the interminable waiting..... aaaaaaaarrgghhhh! (SHOW ME) (Thu Mar 18 02:25:02 2004 )
evilminion (nli at work) [View profile ]

According to EMS tracking, the good folks from 
the Postal Service attempted to deliver a 
package from Japan to my house today.  Of 
course, I'm quite a few miles away, in the heart 
of game-geek central, so I wasn't there to get 
it... but I know that means I'll be able to nab 
it tomorrow morning at the post office.

The key words here being "tomorrow morning".  
^_~  Now I KNOW I can't just ninja my way into 
the post office in the dead of night and 
retrieve my long-awaited and much-beloved 
cels... nor can I stand outside with huge puppy-
dog eyes and hope the second-shift crew lets me 
in.  Which means no new cels for me until 
tomorrow... until 8AM tomorrow..... until 14 
hours and 36 more minutes tick sloooooowly 

Can somebody please SHOW ME what I should be 
doing while I wait?  ^_~  How can I take my mind 
off of 60+ magnificent pieces of painted 
acetate, languishing in the back room of the 
post office.....?  Aaaiiiieeeeeeee!!!

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