Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Added/Dropped Prices to some cels: AMG, Yugioh, HxH (Mon Mar 29 04:04:28 2004
Goldknight [View profile
Here's the list. Just e-mail or PM me if you're
interested. Please make sure that you read the
terms of my sales on my new page here:
Ah! My Goddess!:
http://www.gold-knight.com/belldandy1.html -
http://www.gold-knight.com/belldandy2.html - $70
http://www.gold-knight.com/urd1.html - $200
Hunter x Hunter:
http://www.gold-knight.com/killua6.html - $275
Yugioh Duel Monsters:
http://www.gold-knight.com/ishizu3.html - $70
http://www.gold-knight.com/marikindex.html - ALL
my Marik genga are up for grabs EXCEPT the pink
one. That one stays with me. heehee. Just e-mail
with offers.
Message thread :
- Added/Dropped Prices to some cels: AMG, Yugioh, HxH - Goldknight (29 Mar 04h04)