I'm not quite finished listing everything I am
going to on ebay just at the moment, but I
thought I would give everybody a heads up. That
way, if someone wants to grab something before
it heads to ebay, you've got a chance.
Due to several different circumstances, it's
time I be an adult and decide what is and what
isn't important right now. As much as I dearly
love my cels and collecting, I am going to have
to go on a cel collecting hiatus for awhile, and
will have to not only stop collecting for
awhile, but will sadly have to part with a lot
of what I have already accumulated.
I dearly love my cels and quite honestly, this
is one of the most difficult things I have ever
had to do, but there are some things in life
that are just more important, and it's important
that I take care of those things now, and that
means cels will have take a backseat for an
unknown period of time.
I am currently listing auctions, and a few are
already up and running, but more will be added
later today, and possibly more tomorrow:
Also, this would be the time if ever there was
one, if there was something in my gallery you
have really had your eye on for a long time; now
would be the time to email me with an offer. Now
before everyone goes stampeding off after a
certain Kenshin cel without reading the rest of
this post, please know that at this time, I am
NOT willing to entertain offers on anything in
my Rurouni Kenshin OVA section, nor my "Flight
of Dragons", "Mermaid Saga" sections, and none
of my unicorn/kirin and Enki Rokuta genga from
the "Twelve Kingdoms" section.
Also, please don't be certain that I am in such
bad times that I will accept your offer for
sure. If you throw the right number at me, then
I will certainly give you the thumbs up. But
just because I am willing to entertain offers,
there are some items that I am going to have a
much, much, MUCH more difficult time giving up,
so please understand if I still say, "sorry, but
I'm not quite willing to let it go at that price
just yet".
Depending on the course of my situation, that
may change, and I may let up over the next few
weeks or so, but we'll see. Times right now are
bad enough without going into personal details,
and I don't want the added stress when it comes
to giving up parts of my collection. I have been
collecting for over 10 years now, and never
thought I would reach this point, but have
always lived in fear of it. I can only hope that
not too far in the future, I can bounce back and
can return to active collecting.
Thanks in advance.