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Moved my Clamps WISH cels to ebay... to make things easy. (Fri Mar 26 17:48:04 2004 )
Harry "K" [View profile ]

Hi gang!

Well I've moved 3 of my WISH cels from Clamp onto 
ebay. Just to make it easier for me. My Mom has 
taken ill, so I can't deal with personal sales 
right now...

The 3 cels that are listed are VERY inexpensive 
compared to what I paid for them. Also, remember 
the video is only 5 minutes so these cels are 
super hard to come by.

Thanks so much for your time... and I hope you 
all drop by! Hope you all have a good weekend.

Best regards,

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  • Moved my Clamps WISH cels to ebay... to make things easy. - Harry "K" (26 Mar 17h48)

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