The only true way to tell is by looking at the
timing sheet for the sequence. That says which
frames were filmed together and at what times.
Depending on the sequence, there could be
multiple correct pairings for a single cel.
Since I happen to have a timing sheet and scanner
both sitting right at my elbow, you can take a
look at one (scanned in part to be able to show
it large enough to read):
You can see it has columns for the different
layers (A, B, C, and D in this case). For this
set, the D layer is a character's mouth moving,
so you can see that the D layers are reused as
the mouth opens and closes. Notice also the
notation under the A and C layer columns. In this
set, the A layer is an A1end, and the character
on the C layer isn't on the screen when the
sequence begins.
It's also possible for a sequence to have more
than one timing sheet if it was used as more than
one cut, but yet wasn't a bank sequence. The
Angelic Layer douga sequence I recently sold on
Ebay had three different timing sheets. Each
later sequence had Hikaru moving in better time
with Wizard as they danced more, so different
layers were paired together in each one. Also,
each time the sequence was reused, a different
starting point was chosen. (In one cut, the A5
frame was used as the first -- not the A1.)
But I don't have many timing sheets and don't
know everything about them. . . So if you have
more questions, you'd probably have to ask
someone else. ^_^;;
All that said, if you have a quality copy of the
film that you can frame advance and time to spend
staring at it, you can probably guess the pairings
with some accuracy.
Many Sharp Smiles,