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Re: SHOW ME > Sequence mates! (Fri Apr 16 01:04:25 2004 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

I think I've actually had 4 sets of sequence 
mates before, but now only have 2.  

The first set is of Shido from a very emotional 
scene.  I had been searching for a cel from this 
sequence for a long time and thought I'd never 
find one.  I bought the first one and before I 
even recieved it in the mail the second one 
showed up for offers too.  I couldn't resist 
getting them both and I don't think I could ever 
choose between the two because I love them both 
for their different qualities ::)

The second set is also of Shido.  I recieved the 
first one as a gift and the second one I bought 
myself :)

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