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Cels on Auction - Maps Gen (4) (Wed Apr 14 21:24:31 2004 )
rekka [View profile ]

I'm sort of in the need for money so I've 
painfully decided to part with these four cels 
of Gen from the Maps OVA.  There were only four 
episodes in this series, so anything from it is 
pretty rare.  I'm selling them as a set so they 
go to a good home and won't be seperated and 
lonely...  =(  

Here's a sample of one of the cels in the set.  
Disregard the line in the scan; a new scanner is 
one of the things I need to save money for...

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Message thread :
  • Cels on Auction - Maps Gen (4) - rekka (14 Apr 21h24)

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