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...and lest I forget the "catch of the day"... ;) (Tue Apr 27 04:14:18 2004 )
evilminion (nli) [View profile ]

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Arwen, for this
wonderful-wonderful trade!!  Even if I hadn't
managed to nab a single cel or sketch at the
convention itself, stealing this critter out of
your binder on Friday would have been enough to
mark Sakura Con a successful endeavor.  ^__^

Although I still feel guilty, heh.  I keep telling
myself that "evil means never having to feel
guilty about getting the better end of a trade,"
but it just doesn't work.  *grumbles* 
Ne'ertheless... heh... I'm still putting bear
traps around him to keep you from flying up and
stealing him back...

*big ol' evil grin*

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