Just recently, we had a thread about people not
knowing what to do with some of their "stray"
production art that wasn't worth putting up on
Ebay. . . Since I've also found myself with yet
more pieces of cel lots that I don't want to put
on Ebay, Tell me what you all think of this idea:
We decide on a particular week, then we take all
our freebies, cel lot remainders, little stuff we
don't want anymore, duplicate trading cards, etc,
etc. . . And all of us list them all at once on
the Animanga auction?
There would be no fees. There would be enough
stuff up there all at once to be worth it for
people to look. We could arrange swaps, if we
want. And last but not least. . .
Whatever doesn't sell can be split up between the
packages of the things that *did* sell and send
it out of our lives. ^_~~~~
What does everyone think? ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,