this is not really news, but our offices are
moving today so I wont be reachable for some
time. We're unhooking our servers at about 3:30
pm CST. That means the email will also be down :
(. If anyone out here just absolutely has to
reach me or you will fall over dead (laughs) then
you can email me at home. I know, I know, hold
yourselves back, one at a time please...~_~ On a
comedic note, we'll be moving from out
Furnitureshow.com building to the old porn
theater down on Congress Ave., with a nice view
of the Texas Capital building just to our
left...HAHAH! Only in Texas! The red light
disctrict is right down a ways from the pillar of
the Texas gov't... At least the theater was
renovated last year...they cleaned the floors
pretty good I think. ^_~ Okay enough filth from
me. I have no cel news right now sadly...just
the Leigh cel...which Im having to sell old drugs
to pay off @_@;;;
Home addy: SBass87708@aol.com |