...amazing. He has the least desirable anime
character design out of all of them (his manga
incarnation is fine, but his anime self tends to
look like a bird-headed fishy-lipped guy in a
dress with a stick up his ass, as opposed to the
fishy-but-sexy lipped angsty and blasphemous
priest in a robe (that comes off to reveal form-
fitting black leather) that he is in the manga),
and yet I have the most production art of him.
How odd o.O Frankly, I always just want to give
Sanzou a big smack :D
So I'll just have to do with this new over-sized
sketch of someone else about to do it for me. I'm
tempted to say this is from ep 14, simply because
the adjoining sketch (which wins the "freaky
thing you did not expect to see when you opened
your package" award) features a very large and
prominent freakish eye glaring out from several
human and youkai body parts. Of course, one is
tempted to say this shot is used several times in
the anime, since this is pretty much the exact
same face and movement they use every time he is
shocked, but I'll have to verify that.
-Misha |