About an hour ago, I had a very scary
realization: I left my belt bag outside by a
table at lunch. Not only was all my
identification, cards (including credit) in
there, but I had 4-figures worth of cash O_o
Due to a banking situation, I was left w/o means
to deposit my paychecks in any quick fashion, but
I needed to pay my rent *now* The school let me
cash my paycheck at their accounting office so I
could pay my rent, get groceries, and open a new
account sometime this week. After all, it was
their fault that they screwed up and didn't pay
me for a month and a half, so I didn't have a
chance for a final deposit to cover anything
before my bank moved states (also why the check
was so huge)
I realized my bag was missing 8 hours after I
lost it, and it was left unattended, outdoors, in
a very public place.
I called security to see if anyone turned it in,
and they said no, but to contact them after going
to see if by some fluke it was still there.
I ran over to the place I left it with tears in
my eyes, expecting the worst
But there it was... unopened, untouched, exactly
by the table where I left it... all contents
accouted for *_*
I wish there was some way I could thank all the
people who saw it and left it alone today.
Without them, I'd have a really hard time paying
rent, groceries, and other bills.
Thank god there are still honest people in this
Sorry for being so OT ^^;
Karen |