Yeah, we saw the entire show fansubbed on disc
awhile back last's absolutely awesome!
The only reaason it's second best to me is
because Im an FY head. BUT, excluding FY from
the scene, LHina is just one of the best animes
out there. The story is SO well done, and the
characters among the most loveable I've ever
seen. Not once was I ever bored while watching
that show. Kitsune rules! I was going to go to
Akon as her this summer, and my bf was going to
go as Keitaro....we both look very much like
them! And...we can wear normal clothes and still
pull it off. I just have carry some beer around
and squint a lot. HAHAHH! My bf even acts like
Keitaro and he LOVES LHina.. In fact, today for
V-day he got me one of the art books from the
show. Sweet! Id love a douga of Kitsune or
Shinobu! I got an original sketch of Kitsune
last summer at Akon by one of the animators from
the show, which you can see on my page. LOVE
Love Hina, cant wait for the release, and to find
a nice douga or two! |