I am offering a couple of cels up for sale.
Please, monetary offers only. Things have changed
a lot for me, and I will not be collecting cels.
Actually haven't for six months (sound like an
addict?) I may part with a few that I have to pay
off my student loans. I got caught up cel
collecting, and spent more on cels than I did
paying off my loans. *sheepish
grin* So now I am selling a few.
I am taking offers on this cel of Zelgadis and
Amelia. It is a B-2 cel. Zel's eye is open, as
are both of Amelia's. Image takes up most of the
cel (none of this cropped business). A very
lovely cel with bright vivid colors. I will
add shipping and insurance onto the offer amount.
I charge $4.00 for regular priority shipping,
plus insurance, plus delivery confirmation (this
is optional). I will ship internationally, but
the shipping method must be tracked and insured.
I am offering this on the cel forum before (and
if) I put it on ebay. I remember the pain when I
was cel collecting of seeing cels pop on ebay
without warning (particularly cels I wanted).
If you see me offering a cel that you told me you
wanted, I apologize. AOL 7 won't work at the
moment, and all my e-mail address and stuff were
saved there. So, if you are interested, please e-
mail me at ooathistle(delete)@aol.com |