I perfer to use yahoo paydirect because your
funds are insured there just like a back and you
have the option to have the buyer pay the fees
for using it which i really like celga once tried
to take 500 dollars outta my bank account without
my permission thank god my bank caught it and
called me when i asked paypal why they tried to
do this they said because someone i sold to said
they never recieved the item i sold them but i
had a tracking number with the insurance so i
knew they did recieve it i think it was pretty
messed up that paypal tried to take funds outta
my bank account without i stress without my
permission so for all you sellers that use it
watch out they are not fdic insured and can do
pretty much what ever they want with your money
thats why there being sued and will probbly go
bankrupt after this lawsuit when the people win
which they will and paypal cannot afford to
payback all the money they take from people for
no reason or without permission. |