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Re: Gallery update - HYD, AnC, RK and Utena (Tue May 7 16:45:04 2002
Fran [View profile
Great to see you back jinx! Oh yes, I saw the 2
new hyd cels. Cool cels, the one with Kazuya and
Makino is when the bullies throw garbage at them
after Domyoji red-tagged Kazuya (Episode 4).
The other one from Episode 10. Makino shaking
Yuki, hahaha, Yuki go all "ga-ga" when Sojiro
asked if she would like to go with him to
somewhere after Shizuka's birthday party.
I've been re-watching hyd again to capture all
the screencaps of cels I've had. ^^ I'm having
pretty lot of fun doing that right now. Simply,
makes me treasure my cels more. |
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