Most every other YuYu fan and their dog ALSO seem
to be after cels of Karasu. Even before YuYu cels
started to escalate in price, nice cels of Karasu
went for 20000yen. (I use yen since I have yet to
see a nice Karasu cel on a US site.) The semi-
decent one that was in the last Mandarake silent
auction catalogue went for in the range of
34000yen, if I remember right. (I was hard outbid.
After that, I don't pay tons of attention. ^_^;;)
(start beg)
The killer thing for me is, I won a cute little
shot of him on Yahoo Japan in December of 2000
for a whopping 2100yen. The deputy helping me
somehow lost the cel AFTER it arrived to them. It
is the only cel I have ever had lost. T_T But
it is a widely used public deputy and so it's
possible the cel was sent out in someone else's
package. No one replied to my plea before, but if
there is ANY CHANCE that someone remembers
getting a "freebie" cel of Karasu from a major
deputy sometime in late December 2000/early
January 2001 PLEASE write to me so we could
perhaps work something out. I still have the
seller's scan to confirm the cel's ID. . . I was
so unspeakably THRILLED to have won it and would
love to be finally united with it. ;_;
And yes, I'm pointedly NOT listing the name of
the deputy in question. I figure since I've used
every deputy known to this Forum and then some,
there is no danger people can make assumptions
regarding who I'm talking about. ^_^ I'm not
pointing fingers here. . . Only trying to solve
an old mystery that left me minus a wishlist cel
I had thought I had in the bag. . . T_T
Many Sharp Smiles,