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Re: Perhaps I'm strange, but... (Thu Mar 14 15:02:44 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

Yeah, that's kinda how I feel, though I haven't 
gotten many cels with backgrounds to even run 
into this problem.  I can see how matching cels 
with unmatching BGs can be okay at times, but for 
things as dear to me as YST... I don't want it to 
be any different than what it's meant to be.  If 
the BG from a scene is different, don't you get a 
completely different feeling from it?  Even if 
it's a subtile BG change, it's still changing 
what the "author" intended.  It's almost like in 
writing, when you sorta take somebody's writing 
and change it to your own liking.  It may be 
basically the same as the original, but it's got 
your own colors intertwined into it.  Personally, 
you might like these sort of changes, but is it 
what the "author" intended?  heehee  I'm glad you 
posted this response to my question because I 
sorta wanted somebody else to validate how I feel 
about this.  ^^;;  

Anyway, the YST cel that I posted before is 
*unstuck* to the unmatching BG, so I think I may 
just remove it and store the BG.  It's still a 
beautiful BG and I'd like to identify which 
episode it comes from as soon as I'm able to find 
these last 2 tapes that I'm missing from the 
series...  heehee

Thanks much and please keep the thoughts coming 
on this one.  I'm really enjoying the 
conversation so far, even if it's in its 
beginning stages!  heehee  =)

Rekka  ~~~

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