Feh, tired of being too tired to post for fun. So
I'll tiredly post for fun. ;)
Right now I have 2 pics each on 3 web rings. The
first two (Xellos in drag from Slayers, and Mikage
with his one tear from Utena) are for Yann's cels
ring. The next two are for the Flame of Recca
cels ring (Recca with Kurenai and Meno with
numerous body parts). The final two (Kurama and
Juri... I seem to have a distinct shortage of Hiei
with matching backgrounds, *sniffle*) are for the
Yu Yu Hakusho cels ring.
Stripping down and rebuilding web ring banners is
a lot more fun than scanning cels to sell. ;)
-Jasmine, getting back to scanning cels to sell |