A lot of cels comes to mind, first is this
Kamidake cel (Thanks Rain! ^^):
People who knows me know that I go after Kamidake
cels like a mad person, so when I first saw it at
Rain's I e-mailed her about it. It wasn't for
sale at the moment, but couple of months later,
she e-mailed me first about it before putting it
on her sale page. I"m forever grateful. It
remains one of my favorite Kamidake cels (well,
all of my Kamidake cels are my favorite, but this
one especially) ^^ Thanks again!!
Couple more here, this one's for you Drac! ^_~
Thanks Debbye! ^^ Been wanting this for a
loooong time. ^__^
Last one:
The previous owner got out of cel collection and
let me have this Eagle cel. Thanks so much! ^^
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