... it's kinda different o_o;;
Where are the loose socks in anime? Usually, I
see either more extreme styles of clothing in
anime.. or fantasy... or typical schoolgirl
Where are the everyday fashions... on main
characters? o_o;; Sure ... some may argue Lain..
but.... seriously.. a giant bear pajama? o_o;;;;
I swear... there needs to be an anime about going
clothes shopping in Japan x.x;; .. Or about fat
ppl like me going clothes shopping in
Japan ._.;;;
... The store personnel had to measure me for my
measurements in centimeters. ... Let's just
say... that I can barely fit into a Japanese
medium x.x;; ... and I can barely breathe at
that... tooo tight.. across chest.. urgh
Eugh.. there I go babbling again.. Anyways.. the
questions I pose are:
1) What fashion trend have you seen in anime
that you wish were an actual trend in real life..
in Japan or in the US?
2) What fashion trend in the US or Japan do you
wish were depicted in anime?
3) What fashion trend in anime do you think will
NEVER EVER be picked up anywhere in real life?
4) What fashion trend in real life do you think
should NEVER be depicted in anime? :)
alielle..dayum.. I come up with odd questions
when I'm tired. o_o