I love my job, but some *people* (not the
animals) make it unbearable. I can't count the
times I'm late to updates because of some dolt
with an "emergency" (read: only an emergency to
them or something they should have tended to LAST
WEEK instead of at 4pm on a Saturday). . . Then
suffering the people who call all through morning
appointments: "Why isn't Fluffy spayed *yet*!?
She's been there a whole three hours! She can't
possibly sit in a cage like that!" ~_~ (I DESPISE
hearing someone has taken the day off work due to
their pet's surgery. They sit home with nothing
to do but call us. Which actually SLOWS DOWN our
ability to GET TO their pet. . . ~_~)
The worst of it is needing to be polite with
everyone that walks in the door - no matter how
poorly they act towards me - when *THIS* cel
below illustrates what I'd really like to do.
Many Sharp Smiles,