I really feel for you. . . Just tonight, I found
a cel of a character I've been looking for - for
a price I had to look at twice to believe. . .
And although I *am* able to order it, now I have
the infamous
* W *
* A *
* I *
* T *
to find out if I ordered it in time, or if it's
going to someone else. (*sweat sweat sweat*)
But when I miss a cel, I go look at the cels I
have which are there to make me forget every
other cel on Earth. ^_^ The ones I still can't
believe I have even as I'm staring at them. @_@
There are about five in that catagory. . . The
first and foremost is my Larva and Garline - I
don't pull that one out unless I have 15 minutes
to spare for staring. (*gaaaaze*) But here is one
that comes near to that which I've not posted in
a while. Wong from the Psychic Force OVA with his
eyes open. If I could have chosen ANY eyes-open
Wong cel from the whole of the OVA, there would
be only one that I *might* have chosen before
this one. Might. I can't believe I got this lucky.
Many Sharp Smiles,