Since my preferred pen is deco color (since it's
paint it doesn't fade) I've done outlines in
white before. Ok, so I do a lot more outlines in
rapidograph ink because I've been doing more
detailed stuff, but I still prefer the way a deco
color pen handles. I like to experiment with
lines (some thicker, some lighter, some
nonexistant) to give different effects. I just
did the oulines of a chobits cel where I did the
body and dress in solid deco color lines and the
hair in whispy rapidograph pens. Since the
colors will be mostly light throughout the cel,
when it's done the hair will be differentiated by
the lighter weight the lines give it rather than
the color. I haven't done a cel in all-white
yet, because I'm wary of what effect a white
outline will have on facial features against
whites of eyes and pale skin.
My best (complete) cel with white outlines was
this deedlit cel. Her hair is done in white