I like to keep mine as a set. If I liked the bg,
would I separate the cel from the bg? If I liked
the B layer to a three-unstuck-layer-setup, would
I sell it as a two-layer setup?
I think that having the extras--- concept
sketches, gengas, dougas, bgs, and so on--- are
all wonderful additions to the cel itself, and
that if you're lucky enough to have them in
addition to the cel, that the whole is more
important than the sum of its parts. They help
provide a look into the creation process... and
while the finished product that most people pay
attention to is the cel, the rest of it helps
provide a context. ^_^
Then again, I just love my sketches. :o)
I keep scans of the few things I've sold and the
few things I've given away. If I really liked
something I was getting rid of, someone had
mentioned taking it to Kinko's. But I like
the "whole" feeling of having as much as
possible... and wouldn't feel good about
separating the parts.
-Cres |