If the domain name is supposed to be blocked for
one month prior to being resold, how is it
possible that the Usagi's House site was active -
and was even updated - within the past week and
now it is taken by someone else?
Unless this is a case of the domain name actually
being registered under the ISP's name (read: not
the name of the person who uses it) and the
warnings were sent to the ISP, who never passed
on any of them? (What Heather meant by the ISP
not notifying her?) But that would seem foolish
and/or bad business on the part of the ISP, who
is actually proxy owning the name for someone
else. . .
Or maybe I'm off entirely? I'm just curious,
since I don't know a lot about how the burocracy
of the whole thing, and yet I'm the one who's
supposed to keep my office's website up and
running. o_0; (And I know that our domain name
is not actually owned by my boss, but by his ISP.)
Many Sharp Smiles,