Message thread :
- QU: How many cel's does everyone have in their collections? - Si (11 Apr 00h50)
- Well, so far I have 238 cels........ I now live in a cardboard box ^_^ - fokker (11 Apr 01h07)
- 138 and rising ! Yipes ! - skaphrodite (11 Apr 01h12)
- Still working on my first itoya book... *thinks* Probably ~30 cels [N|T] - fireye (11 Apr 01h22)
- 23 since Feb. and no signs of stopping! Ah!! - Kamiki- nli (11 Apr 01h25)
- Urgh. - evilminion (11 Apr 01h32)
- Whoa! 14 cels here! watch out y'all! LOL.. - spinizuey nli (11 Apr 01h58)
- a little over 800 (eek!) (n/t) - misa and casey (11 Apr 02h06)
- 137 and a breakdown according to cel type - tk (11 Apr 02h06)
- A smallish 52 but increasing all the time with new ones! - Alex Phoon (11 Apr 02h11)
- you don't really want to know... :) - Yann Stettler (11 Apr 02h14)
- 58. Seemed like 500 when I had to rescan them all. @_@ [nt] - Nabs-chan (11 Apr 02h14)
- I've about 35...I think...hard to say at this moment.. - mouse (11 Apr 02h18)
- @ 400, all not on the net yet (n/t) - (cosplaying melissa) (11 Apr 02h23)
- 42 cels and counting... - blueheaven (11 Apr 02h23)
- little over 400 - SW, nli (11 Apr 02h23)
- I'm afraid to count ^^; n/t - jerrin (11 Apr 02h29)
- Here we go... - Ave. (11 Apr 02h42)
- Just hit 10 after almost two years of collecting ^_^ - ronin_economist (11 Apr 03h22)
- Approximately 175, ignoring some cels I intend to sell eventually, and counting 6 that are in transit that I intend to keep. (n/T) - Blair (lazylazylazy) (11 Apr 04h00)
- 69 cels, 5 sets of genga n/t - Misha (11 Apr 04h19)
- About 120... and 7 in transit. n/t - Cres (11 Apr 04h28)
- holy crap! I have 110! - shmecky (11 Apr 04h37)
- 60-something... too tired to count -_- (nt) - Lady Brick (11 Apr 04h39)
- Right about 750, not including those on the way.. ^-^;; - Malaryush (11 Apr 05h39)
- Just shy of 150, unless you also count the fan cels :) - Baakay (nli) (11 Apr 05h45)
- not counting fan cels-52 with 4 on the way - graymouser (11 Apr 06h07)
- Lesse...I have 19 in total, as of now. Whee! n/t - Chieri nli (11 Apr 06h53)
- A mind blowing 11 n/t - Larg0 (11 Apr 07h22)
- Somewhere in the neighborhood of 80. n/t - kellyk -nli- (11 Apr 08h55)
- I HAVE 4 !!! lol - Shaun (11 Apr 09h32)
- Roughly 300 scanned, plus maybe 150 unscanned! (n/t) - japester (11 Apr 09h36)
- At least 480, probably around 500 including ones I don't remember right now - jcaliff (11 Apr 13h25)
- 115, I think. don't ask how much the net value is. >_< (n/t) - sovereign (11 Apr 16h10)