I just received this email today:
Subject: Cel on your website
I was just looking at your site when I noticed
this page:
You have pictured on your page a cel that I
purchased on Yahoo Japan.
Your photo appears to be the exact photo from the
auction with minor
cropping. Your picture even shows the small speck
of dust at the bottom
of the seller's scan just below Kiki's knee. As I
own this particular
cel, I request that you remove the picture and
please stop claiming to
own my cel. If you have one in that sequence,
please scan yours. I am
entertaining offers on the cel if you would like
to own it, until that
time, please take the picture down. I don't want
people to question the
authenticity of my cel.
Thank you,
Jim(Name withheld for privacy)"
My resonse was the following:
"First of all, let me see your gallery. I want to
your scan of this cel before I release a scan to
If you do this, then I will send you a scan of
the front and back of the cel on a white
with a post-it note confirming it's authenticity.
really don't know if this is some kind of scam or
what. I purchased this cel from that auction a few
months back using Hobby Shop K. Since the winning
bidder never footed the bill for the auction, and
bid was second, I won the cel. If you wish, you
contact Naoki at Hobby Shop K to confirm this. I
run a
completely honest gallery, and I paid good money
that cel. So, before I go sending off scans to
everyone who claims to own it, I want proof that
own it. Until then, take care and happy hunting-
My question is: Has this ever happened to you and
if so, how did you deal with the situation. This
is the first time anyone has ever accused me of
cel fraud. |