After about a year of researching and planning
out the dimensions of the frames, glare vs. non-
glare type, mat types, mat sizes, mat designs,
etc. (yes.. yes.. I know I may be a little too
overzealous.. but it gives me something extra to
do when looking at my cels *g*) I've finally come
to the point where it is time to start picking up
everything to put it together.
To use normal glass or plexi-glass? I'm partial
to normal glass but I always worry about that one
chance where the frame is either knocked over or
falls down.
Lately, I've been toying with the idea of using
one sheet of standard glass and then backing that
with a sheet of plexi-glass. I wonder if I use UV
filtering coating on both if it would work better
than just one for line fading?
Anyways, your thoughts? Thanks! |