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Yup :) a couple OVAs (Sat Apr 20 05:40:13 2002 )
Bao-chan [View profile ]


I just got this lil gem today!  ^__^  Always 
wanted a young pre-scar Kenshin and now he is 
mine!  It's a key cell too.   >:)
Sure it wasn't cheap, but hey it's only money (oh 
wait, I use that to eat *grumble*).
The second one is one of my favorites (also far 
from cheap).  I gotta cut down on dream cels, 
That makes 10 Kenshin cels for me to date.  When 
I can replace my scanner, another rubberslugger 
shall be born.
Thanks to both previous owners for the scans (my 
scanner just isn't cutting it)!

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