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Re: Re: Animazement cel panel and meeting (Sat May 11 22:27:40 2002 )
marcus [View profile ]

I had no real input on when the panel would be 
other than giving them the times that I could not 
do the panel because I would not be there. It 
might be possible to move the panel up a little on 
Sunday to 10 AM, but am not sure. I would suggest 
that you e-mail them and ask if they are willing 
to do this (information@animazement.org)

The reason why a lot of cel panels get scheduled 
for Sunday or early Friday is that cons use the 
panels as space fillers, but they do not want to 
give up prime times such as late Friday and 
Saturday when people want to see the main guests. 
So getting the panel moved up on Sunday is a 
possibility, but I would guess getting the panel 
on Saturday would be an impossibility and Friday 
would require that someone else do the panel.

As to the cel meeting, feel free to organize a 
seperate one on another day. I will also be at the 
panel about an hour before it starts and we can 
always move the get together to before rather than 
after on Suday.

Also, I don't read the watase forum. I don't 
have time or inclination to read it. So if you 
want to get me or comment on what I said, e-mail 
me or post here. Also, I am incredibly busy right 
now and my ability to respond is not going to be 
very good.

Catch you later,

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