Ack, he made a deal? *pouts* Never thought to try
that one. *snaps fingers* Oh well, might be
getting a new Tamahome cel and probably a bitover
a hundred, if all goes well. But it's good cause
I now have funds to save up for a dream cel that
I can feel is about to come. *rubs hands together*
Yep, so glad a Tamahome lover got him! Congrats!
You made me think about haggling prices now...
Yeah, Animegame does price them high, but who
knows how much they paid for them. I'll always be
thankful for them for my ultimate dream cel but
well since their cels come from a lot of the
times, their personal collection, guess that
would make sense ne? ^.~ They do have a lot of
good priced cels. Saw a Nurikio in drag go for
like under $200 or something, so most of the
time, they can be good too. They also have a lot
of valuable scenes or characters, and I guess we
all wish it. *shrugs* People will either buy or
not...and the cycle goes on. *ponders a sale
anytime soon at Animegame though* *smiles*