Ooh, congrats! Sounds like you scored big-time.
^_^ Glad to hear some people did well!
The one I really wanted was a very nice cel of
Feitan from Hunter x Hunter. I'd been watching
it for a while; probably should've gone ahead and
purchased it to begin with, but the idea of half
off was too tempting. ^_^;; But, since I *still*
don't have internet access at home, I'm still
stuck running to the computer lab as soon as it
opens. (Note to self: go terrorize the phone
But, I did end up ordering a couple other things
that I'd like to get, so it won't be a complete
And I guess I'll just go back to keeping an eye
out for a nice Feitan in the future...
Heehee.. It does cheer me to hear that other
people got what they wanted, though. ^_^
Utterly overwhelmed by all these sales at once. *-
*;; |