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Well...back to cels folks:) (Fri Dec 7 08:18:47 2001 )
Ave. [View profile ]

Just want to say that of course everyone took it 
with anger and outrage or just did reply because 
you named a dealer's name. If you meant every 
dealer, then why name names or say Taro more than 
once and add them into the title of the post? Not 
taking sides, but just giving some help for 
future ref.: Next time don't pick out one person 
and name them. How would you feel if someone did 
that to you? Embarassed perhaps and upset too, 
right? Dunno if you are new to this board or just 
been here for a while, but well, some of us are 
just a bit tired of some of the stuff. We don't 
know if you are new, or just having a bad upset 
day and took it out on some dealer and now feel 
bad about it, which it seems in this response 
post you made and everyone makes mistakes. I was 
a bit shocked by the post but won't hold a grudge 
and spend my energy in that, so just hopefully 
after this people can move on, no matter what the 
motive behind their first post was. You picked 
them out, which is sorta nasty, so of course, 
people are going to respond that way, even if it 
wasn't meant to be that way. In person, maybe it 
would not get taken the wrong way, (who knows?) 
but on a forum board, be careful what you type 
because it's hard to explain in detail exactly 
what you mean if you were trying to not pick them 
out and chose your words or names carefuly. Don't 
name any names or pick one out as an example. I 
don't know what would have happened if you didn't 
name names, it might have been not as bad, or it 
may still have. I don't know-this forum is 
unpredictable, so if you were trying not to pick 
them out, just be cautious next time. And let us 
all move on from this. I can't speak for anyone 
else, but I don't hate you with a vengence for 
something and if you feel you made a mistake, 
hopefully in this season people will forgive you 
and well, we all can stay here and be happy and 
just get back to cels. Hugs all, move on, say 
your sorries, we learn from our mistakes. Well, 
there are no mistakes in life, only lessons. 

My suggestion: Instead of ranting on a forum go 
grab a punching bag and vent your anger or to a 
best friend. Something I've learned to do and it 
helps and well, next warning, if you don't want 
an outcry response. I didn't have the time to 
read all the posts response, but a few. Anyway, 
take care all and just don't spend too much time 
on anger and being made or writing other posts on 
that you didn't mean anything. Just let it go. 
Relax, enjoy life and cels. If you don't 
understand prices, ask or check out sites that 
can help you understand. Some places can be high, 
but well, there are reasons for that. I know 
dealers pay that price, more when they have to or 
lower a price themselves, plus the time and 
effort to bring us the cels-they do all the work. 
We should just thank all the dealers for their 
efforts. Anyway, this no-name person did write a 
somewhat (I think) appology...? Maybe that's not 
the right term, but it seems they do feel bad, 
even though they hold some anger at the prices 
still and what we might pay for them. Anyway, our 
business. So, let us move on. An the comment 
about finding cheaper prices-let us be the judge 
of that please. We don't need anyone telling us 
the prices we pay are too high or not. When we 
buy a cel, some of us and most of us know the 
prices at other dealers too and when to buy or 
not to. 

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