IMHO Fushigi Yuugi is one of your archtype anime.
Its great stuff and lots of funny & dramatic
moments. There are also lots of sappy moments
filled with teenage girly angst. (Not that this
is a bad thing - But you have to like or put up
with that kind stuff).
Tenchi is your archtype boy comedy (like AMG and
others) it features light comedy and also has a
few dramatic moments to keep the story moving.
There also a bunch of "boy" type moments (again
not a bad thing but many female friends watching
it have labelled it "typical!").
On balance although I love both - I'd go for
Fushigi (despite all its shortcomings) as it
really does tell a dramatic story (IMHO it takes
too long but it does tell one). Tenchi just like
that - a bit of fun.