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sick of being poor... cels for sale (Mon Dec 17 04:51:41 2001 )
valerie [View profile ]

I just got done paying my tuition, and I have car 
insurance payments to make, and I don't have any 
money. I live with my parents (I'm only 18! don't 
give me that look O_o) and they're REALLY poor. I 
think the term "bankruptcy" may have popped up 
once or twice in conversation. So I've decided to 
go and sell off my entire cel collection (I don't 
collect anymore, too poor) except my Lupin the 
Third cels because I worked *really hard* finding 
those. I doubt many of you would want them anyway.

Anyhow, there's a link to my page above and 
here's the URL again: 

I considered putting Hitomi on evilbay, but I've 
decided to let people make some offers on her 
first, cause I'm nice. Everything else I'll take 
any reasonable offers on and try to sell right 
away because I need the money before the 27th. 

valerie ;_;

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