Alrighty, this is an example of how big the
thumbnails are going to be. I'm going to give a
list like :
1. (name of anime)
2. (name of anime)
etc and a list of images. Actually, there will
be two; 1-10 and 11-20. The image size/quality
will be the same as the 'bonus' cel below.
I wanted to get in just about everyone who
let/wanted me to use one of their cels, and I had
a little over, so I decided to make an example
bonus cel. The URL (main url, like not of this cel,
if you can find where it 'lives' can be replaced
for ANY cel you can't find when I post the
Scavenger Hunt on January 2nd. Just make a note
it's the bonus cel, ok?
Oh, and this is a Weiss Kreuz cel.
^_^ Have fun! |