Message thread :
- Any new "early-Christmas-present-to-yourself" cels? Show 'em! - saxxydiva (23 Dec 20h52)
- I am such a dork. Here's Presea. - saxxydiva -nli (23 Dec 22h47)
- Well, I'm still expecting mine... Btw, why's there no text box? n/t - shura-chan (23 Dec 23h35)
- Here's mine! Satsuki's death scene from the X movie, as Beast strangles her ^^ You're right...where IS the text box o.O - Misha (24 Dec 01h11)
- Not a present to myself, but a present from a wonderful friend! *dance dance dance* - evilminion (logging in from Florida) (24 Dec 01h19)
- And from another friend (yes, it's a two-Shidou Christmas! :) - evilminion (on vacation, lugging laptop) (24 Dec 01h29)
- Many, many months of missing cels of Sarah from this sequence, and now I have one for the holidays. ^^ - fenris (24 Dec 01h27)
- Not for Christmas, but got it for my B-day... - chieri (24 Dec 02h04)
- Faye! - joseishijin (24 Dec 02h53)
- Several, but here's just one - Jenni Kirtley (24 Dec 19h44)