I have been wondering what would be cool to have
for all of us (anime collectors, dealers,
lurkers,etc)in 2002..and suddenly, the idea
popped into my head..Hey..there is Starbucks, and
Hard Rock, how about "Anime Cafe"?!! Then I
realized that it would probably be some tiny-hole
in the wall geek joint in Japan, or maybe
not...hmmmm, I wonder. Plenty of cels in
beautiful frames hanging around, a for sale
corner, an interesting menu..of titles taken from
various anime characters or series. "Cel members"
donating some of their personal collections for a
month in the members "Hall of Fame" display
area,,a "Berserk Burger" or a "Belldandy Bagel"
or something along those lines :). It would be
fun to browse or hang out in the Manga or DVD
area.Hey we could all be co-owners and
stockholders, although I would think "maturity"
would be a major hurdle to membership approval ^-
^. Kinda of a Mandarake Coffee shop,
etc...dreams,dreams.... of 2002..^-^ just for
fun.. |